
Exam reservation through SMART-EDU is strictly mandatory!

Dear students and colleagues,

this is to remind you all that reservation for exams is STRICTLY MANDATORY and that exams in absence of a reservation MADE BY THE STUDENT cannot be registered.
Please take note and abide this rule. Thanks

Procedura di Ammissione a Data Science per l'AA 2024-25 (12/07/24-02/09/24)

Si informa che il bando per l'ammissione a Data Science per il prossimo Anno Accademico può essere consultato qui:
L'allegato cui fare riferimento per Data Science è il n.46.

Il periodo in cui si può fare domanda è tra il 12 luglio e il 2 settembre prossimi.

Choice of Study Plan for the second year of Course

ALL the students enrolled for the first year in 2023-24 MUST choose the Study plan for the next year before August 10th 2024 (please note the upgrade on the deadline) July 31st 2024.
Instructions how to do so have been forwarded to each one of them by email. The choice has to be done ON-line on SMART-EDU platform starting July 22nd.
A copy of the instructions can be dowloaded from the link below.

Workshop on Models and Learning in Clustering and Classification

From August 28 to August 30 Catania University is hosting an international workshop on Models and Learning in Clustering and Classification.
The topic may be of interest for Data science students that are encouraged to partecipate.
If you have interest in the initiative please contact prof.Ingrassia or prof. Martino.
Link to the event web page is here: