Giovanni Gallo

Archivio avvisi

Campus Recruiting Day, May 20, 9:00- til down

The Career Office has organized an event to bring together Companies and students.
It is a great opportunity to look for jobs, traineeships and get your working career started.
All students are welcome expecially those close to graduation!

Find info and program here:

Best Thesis in Data Science - call for nominations

YOu will find all the information here:

Bando per “PILOT TRAINING COURSE IN DATA MANAGEMENT AND CURATION” (borse di studio disponibili)

A this link

you will find an interesting call that could open for some good students a great opportunity to advance his/her knowledges and skills in Data Science.
The enviroment where the training is offered is of high excellence.
Scholarships are available.
Please read carefully the call and if of interest respond to it in time!

Deadline is May 31th

Seminar about ChatGPT from prof. Iacus, Harvard University

il prof. Stefano Iacus, Direttore di Data Science all'Institute for Quantitative Social Science di Harvard terrà un seminario al DSPS dal titolo "Ma cosa mi dici mai? Come funzionano i modelli linguistici alla base di ChatGPT, e quanto possiamo fidarci".

L''evento è di interesse per gli studenti di Data Science. Il seminario sarà in italiano.

Professor. Stefano Iacus, Director of Data Science at Harvard's Institute for Quantitative Social Science will hold a seminar at DSPS entitled "But what on earth do you tell me? How the language models underlying ChatGPT work, and how much we can trust them". The

Career opportunities with the "Aeroporti di Roma" company

The "Aereoporti di Roma" is offering a career/recruiting event in Catania starting on April 17th 9:00 building 14, Cittadella Universitaria UNICT.
All interested students are welcome.


Link to a Latex Template for the Thesis

Thanks to the volunteered work of Giovanni Spadaro is now available to the following link a Latex Template for the Final Thesis Document and for the LSides to present at the final exam. .You are free to dowload it and use it.
Please notice that this template is NOT OFFICIAL OR MANDATORY, you may use any other template you wish.
Thanks again to Giovanni!
Here are the links: -

Seminario "Generative AI & Computer Vision"

Giorno 19 Marzo 2024, presso l'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica si terrà il primo workshop su:

"Generative AI & Computer Vision"

Nel corso dell'incontro verranno illustrate le attività scientifiche e didattiche, coordinate dal prof. Sebastiano Battiato e dal suo team di ricerca sul tema.

Interveranno i ricercatori:

Alessandro Ortis, Georgia Fargetta, Luca Guarnera, Francesco Guarnera, Massimo Orazio Spata

che presenteranno delle brevi pillole di ricerca. Ospite dell'evento il prof. Daniele Ravì( University of Hertfordshire, UK) che terrà un breve talk su "Generative AI e Medical

For interested students: Hack4SDS, from Gruppo di Statistica and Data Science (SDS) of Statistics Italian Society (SiS)

The Hack4SDS is open to teams of students from Italian University that wish to partecipate to a exciting learning experience.

Please inform me if you are joining the Hack-athon

For details and instruction please read the attached call.

Office hours of prof. Gallo

The students of Data Science may meet prof.Gallo (coordinator of the Course) every Thursday morning (9:30-13:00) in room 301 of Department of Mathematics and Informatica, Polo Universitario via Santa Sofia.
Please be advised that occasionally the office hours may be cancelled. It is hence advised to write an email to prof. Gallo the days before to receive confirmation of the date.